Step 1: Access the address on pancakeswap
Step 2: Connect your wallet
Step 3: Choose to connect Metamask
Step 4: Choose the account you want to connect, click Next
Step 5: Click Connect to confirm. Now you have connected Metamask to Pancakeswap
Step 6: On the left menu, in Trade section, choose Liquidity
Step 7: Select a currency (e.g:BNB) then you copy XPO smart contract and paste it in the Search name or paste address box, click Add
Step 8: Next, click the Approve XPO, then Confirm button on MetaMask
Step 9: Enter the amount of BNB then press Supply
Step 10: Click Confirm Supply
Step 11: Confirm on the Metamask wallet. Now you can check your Transaction on BSCScan
Step 12: Go to, you will see your LP number