10 min readMay 27, 2021


On Wednesday, May 19th, Paul Smith, CMO at Xpool, entered into a live AMA (Ask Max Anything) in Twinci community. He answered questions about the project, upcoming plans, partnerships, and much more.

This article post includes a recap of the live AMA session and features the questions asked by community members, as well as Paul’s answers.

Part 1: Host’s questions.

Q1) Please introduce something about yourself?

Paul: Hello everyone, My name is Paul Smith. Currently, I am working as a CMO of Xpool with the charge of spreading the vision and potential of our project Xpool to crypto communities.

And Xpool team members have been working together for 5 months. We made all our effort to built XPool — a AAVE killer on Binance Smart Chain and on May 12th, we continued to reach our important milestone when Xpool protocol mainnet is deployed with greatest functions, including: Flash Loan, Staking, Safety Module, Governance, Farming (Staking LP).

Q2) Can you please introduce your project and the problems you want to solve solutions you are proposing ?

Paul: Yes, sure. Xpool is an open-source liquidity protocol built on the Binance Smart Chain, which allows users to borrow assets from the platform and adds liquidity to the exchange by depositing assets into Xpool, thereby fostering higher potentials to earn profits from assets.

Everyone calls us ‘crypto lending’, but there’s two very distinct and separate businesses: interest income and lending. Users come to us, maybe for earning interest and they don’t need a loan.

Users used to keep their coins in cold storage or on an exchange, which pays no interest, whereas we pay our users part of what we earn on such deposits. Now, everyone can connect with Xpool and earn high interest income.

Xpool solves 6 problems that make it easier for Crypto users:

1. Small and medium excess capital has not been used

2. High interest rate of usury

3.Difficult loan approval procedure of credit institutions

4. The demand of crypto lending and borrowing is increasing

5. Concern about transparency and reliability when using the centralized platform

6. Network congestion and high gas fee when performing transactions on Ethereum Defi application

We pride ourselves on bringing a lending platform that can perform transactions quickly at a very low cost and a high speed. The reason is that XPOOL is based on Binance Smart Chain. It was built with a similar structure as the existing Binance Chain, which is a high-performance, low-latency blockchain but as a design choice to enhance speed, it was not able to handle smart contracts.

Those things are clearly stated in our pitchdeck:

Q3) Where did you get the inspiration for this unique project idea? And what influence will we have on the crypto industry due to the project?

Paul: Well, our CEO has been working in the banking and finance industry for many years. He found out that small and medium excess capital has not been used when it comes to the difficult loan approval procedure of credit institutions.

The demand for crypto lending and borrowing is increasing. The digital asset lending industry is proving to be one of the first breakout use cases within the crypto ecosystem providing tangible utility to users.

Network congestion and high gas fee when performing transactions on Ethereum Defi application.

He found out that we can create a product which is able to solve all the problems I mentioned above.

In 4 months, our team worked by block to release a testnet version of XPool.

Q4) Xpool is a fork of Aave with improvements. What are these enhancements that Xpool has?

Paul: AAVE is a perfect DAO, we clone their core features carefully to make sure that we are on the same security page and get cover by state of the art security firms (certik,…) Beside that, the first step is to develop many features around the core protocol to make people easier to use. For example, only super power users or tech firms could program the liquidity bot to do the liquidity for the prototal, but in Xpool, we make a feature named liquidity market, where we show all the non collateral loans to a view where any user could connect their wallet and do the liquidity. Also we clean all the old stuff of aave (migrating from ethlend to aave_v1 to aave_v2) to save blockchain cost for users. Btw, we also develop an inhouse wallet which integrates all the protocol features to the app, this helps people to control their investment, loan natively on the mobile app, bank in your pocket.

Currently, you can download Defii on both Appstore and Google Play

For more detail:

Q5) Can you tell us more about your product roadmap?

Paul: We have a clear roadmap and it is updated regularly on our pitchdesk.

For this year, we also have plan for launching our main functions as below:

May, 2021: Liquidity Market, Inhouse Wallet (May 4th, our waller application called Defii have been available on App store and Google Play)

June, 2021: Loan Aggregator

July, 2021: Partnership with two ventures

September, 2021: Xpool Auto Farm Optimized

December, 2021: Dega (Decentralized Gaming Protocol)

For more information, you can check our pitchdeck via this link:

We hope to receive your support on our journey. We will build a DAB (Decentralized Autonomous Bank)

Q6) Here comes the most-concerned question by our community. How do you earn “Your token” on “Your Project”?

Paul: May 7th, 2021, Xpool Inhouse Staking Function was launched with 2 options for users to earn more XPO:

  • Lock 20/80
  • No lock

Staking XPO/ LP token (XPO/BNB, XPO/BUSD), you can farm XPO with high APY. For more detail about Staking mechanism and how to stake, you can read our introduction:

Besides, with our unique upcoming function — Borrowing Mining, you have a new method to get XPO: The more you borrow on xpool, the more xpo you mine.

Q7) Community support is one of the biggest aspects of a project’s success. Can you tell me about how your community has grown since your first launch?

Paul: Since our first launch, our telegram group has reached nearly 3 thousand members, Twitter has more than 15 thousand followers and the Xpool community is growing daily.

Moreover, Xpool IDO was completed with some impressive statistics:

1. 6,300,000 XPO was sold out in less than 20 minutes on LaunchZone PadX!

2. Up to now, there are 7411 XPO holder addresses on Binance Smart Chain. These numbers are continuing to increase at an amazing speed! Xpool is proving its potential as the total number of users holding tokens is expanding.

3. Xpool is listed on Coingecko and CoinMarketcap as well as tracking platform, including: Bscproject, Defihunter, Dappradar, Bscscan

4. 3 days after launched date of Staking function, more than 5M $XPO TVL on Xpool

To know more, you can check our pitchdeck to have a quick look:

Those impressive statistics show strong interest and support from the community. We believe that with the close cooperation of partners, and good marketing strategies, it is potential that Xpool will become the next best DeFi platform & achieve the set goals.

Q8) Governance has always been the core of the DeFi world. What’s the model of governance of “Your Project”, and how do users participate in community governance?

Paul: The Xpool token empowers holders with the capability to vote on proposals and collectively act as governors of the protocol.

The protocol governance consists of the decision-making process for the different risk parameter changes, improvements, and incentives that constitute the policies

Q9) Thank you for your time and all your answers. What is the best way to follow all your upcoming news and updates ?

Paul: To update the upcoming event and the lastest new of Xpool, please follow and join our social channel:

Telegram channel

Telegram group




Part 2: Twitter questions.

1 I’m looking for tokens to invest and hold. Even stake them. Could you please explain the benefits of Xpool token and why should I hold it for long term?


XPO holder will take some advantages below:

Earning interest on deposit: By depositing XPO to Xpool protocol, users will earn attactive annual interest as the passive income.

Use as collateral: Borrowers can use XPO as collateral to borrow assets and has chance to get a discount on fees or borrow more than usual.

Fee collection & discount for Xpool services: Xpool borrowers do not get charged a fee if they take out loans denominated in the token.

Voting and governance: Users who hold XPO tokens can vote for potential product upgrades, releases, and parameter fixes.

With those advantages, we believe that each of XPO holder is the part of Xpool and we will be strong together in the future.

2. As an investor in both of these tokens, I’m curious if they’ll be merged in the near future, maybe with Twinci lending on the XPO platform? Do you want to compete against other businesses in the same industry?


Bingo! You guessed it! NFT is the trending on the blockchain industry now. Twinci is a top notch NFT market with huge active community. We are more than happy to list TWIN on Xpool to cross growing. I’m imagining a day when TWIN holders could deposit TWIN on XPool to get passive income or using as collateral to borrow other assets.

3. What is the difference between Xpool and Ellipsis? What can be improved?


Ellipsis is an exchange liquidity pool on Ethereum

Xpool is lending protocol on Binance Smart Chain.

As we mentioned before, built on BSC, we have low fee and high speed transaction.

Besides, Xpool has other outstanding features that meet the market demand such as Flash Loan, Staking, Borrowing Mining, Governance, Liquidation Marketplace, Safety Module. You can read more about these features in our pitchdeck:

4. Under what circumstance will I lose my collateral, at with rate?


A liquidation happens when a borrower’s health factor falls below one when their collateral worth does not adequately cover their loan/debt value. If the value of the collateral drops and the value of the borrowed debt rises against each other, this will happen. The health factor displays the collateral vs loan valuation ratio.

5. Currently, we are in the bear market. I wonder about the future of Xpool. Have you had any plan for increasing XPO price in the future?


Every market will have bad periods that we have to go through, and time has proven that coins and tokens with good core value will develop gradually. Xpool is a serious project, and XPO is a token tied with the development of the protocol, its value will increase over time. Like AAVE, up to 1 year, Aave has seen total value locked increase, more than 400% from September 2020 to April 2021, with AAVE price is $433.96. XPO has all features of AAVE, moreover, with its low cost and fast speed which improves the weakness of the Ethereum network, there is no doubt the value of XPO will rise in the near future.

III. Live Q&A

1 I read there is an “Interest rate option”on Xpool, can you share more about it with us? How does this option work and how can it help users to make better investment choices?

Stable rates go about as a fixed rate temporarily, however can be re-adjusted in the long haul because of changes in economic situations.

The variable rate is the rate dependent on the offer and request in X-pool.

The steady rate, as its name demonstrates, will stay pretty steady and its the most ideal alternative to arrange for how much premium you should pay. The variable rate will change throughout the time and could be the ideal rate contingent upon economic situations. You can switch between the steady and variable rate whenever through your dashboard.

2. I read one of the things Xpool offers is a certain type of loan called “Flash Loans”, can you tell us more about it? What are the advantages of this kind of loan and what are the differences between this ones and normal loans? Also, who can ask for this loans?

Flash loans are a feature designed for developers, due to the technical knowledge required to execute one. Flash Loans allow you to borrow any available amount of assets without putting up any collateral, as long as the liquidity is returned to the protocol within one block transaction. To do a Flash Loan, you will need to build a contract that requests a Flash Loan. The contract will then need to execute the instructed steps and pay back the loan + interest and fees all within the same transaction.

3. You a global project or local project? Are you planning to promote budz Finance project in different countries, where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project?

Xpool is a global product. We are working with partners around the world to build as many as possible different communities to make Xpool be accessible to all countries.

4. Hello👋, I’m new in crypto world..What are the security measures you adopt to ensure maximum security for your users so i can trust you???

As we announced on our official chanels, our partnership with Verichains was be setup. Verichain Lab has a world-class team with extensive research and development expertise in the areas of security, AI and blockchain technology. Having Verichain on board means having strength of top-notch security experts to care from architect design to cybersecurity consulting.

🚀 We fly to Mars, they got our back.

Xpool clones AAVE to BSC, therefore its smart contract is also audited by top audit firms as: Certik, Certora, Mixbytes, PeckShield, SigmaPrime

5. How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not spoken well? Do you have local communities for them to let them better understand about your project?

As we all may know, to educate anyone about the new field, you must give them benefits.

We understand and give them the chance to join the lending market with low fee! We pride ourselves on bringing a lending platform that can perform transactions quickly at a very low cost and a high speed. The reason is that XPOOL is based on Binance Smart Chain. It was built with a similar structure as the existing Binance Chain, which is a high-performance, low-latency blockchain but as a design choice to enhance speed, it was not able to handle smart contracts.

Besides, with a massive business development plan that not only focuses on the crypto market but also brings it to real life where people really demand it, we believe that Xpool will attract millions of people in the world who do not know about crypto currency joining our protocol.

When people have started researching the Xpool, they will also find all information about DEFI and BLOCKCHAIN. That’s the way we let people learn about crypto.




X-pool is an decentralized protocol — built on Binance Smart Chain that enables users to borrow assets from the platform, deploy your assets and earn with ease.